2013 Movies Based on BooksRead the Book Before You See the Movie. Which is better? You decide. Browse movies based on books.
Paranoia (Thriller, Mystery, Drama, Espionage, Adaptation)

 PLOT: Adam Cassidy (Liam Hemsworth) is a standard employee at a large technology company until he catches the eye of CEO Nick Wyatt (Gary Oldman) with an impressive yet illegal prank. Mr. Wyatt sees potential in the young man and sends him on a mission to infiltrate the company's biggest competitor. Adam quickly finds himself rolling in benefits provided by his new boss, Jock Goddard (Harrison Ford) but it takes a lot of skill to keep Adam's life intact. Will he be able to keep it together or is he just being played more than he is playing others? AUTHOR: Joseph Finder

2013 Movies Based On Books List |
A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever.
~Martin Farquhar Tupper