Boardwalk Empire Nucky T-Shirt
"If you wanna be a gangster in my town, you will pay for the privilege." Sound familiar? Powerful lines like this come to mind when looking at Nucky Thompson on this Boardwalk Empire t-shirt. The line was delivered by Nucky to Jimmy after he hijacked Nucky's load of liquor during a delivery. Suddenly, Jimmy is just like everyone else in the city. Read about how Nucky had a strong hold on Atlantic City lives with the Boardwalk Empire book available below. To be a gangster yourself, check out the gangster costumes. Add a red carnation to create a Nucky Boardwalk Empire costume. Don't miss the flapper dress costumes for your leading lady.
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In addition to the Boardwalk Empire Nucky T-Shirt above, browse the Boardwalk Empire Clothing Gallery for more apparel like men's and women's clothes, kids shirts or hoodies.