I'm Lucy and I'm Ethel t-shirts

Are you a Lucy or an Ethel? Two of the best friends in television history made a mark with their hair-brained schemes. Whether they are hiding a side of beef, pasting wallpaper over doors or faking a burglary, these two are inseparable. When it is time for Lucy to move, they still can't part! Fred and Ethel Mertz move to the country to be with the Ricardos. Whether you are the Lucy or the Ethel of the friendship, we have you covered. These shirts have your favorite characters on the classic heart. Grab an I'm Lucy or an I'm Ethel t-shirt today.
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In addition to the I'm Lucy and I'm Ethel tees above, browse the I Love Lucy Clothing Gallery for more apparel like men's and women's clothes, kids shirts or hoodies.