Little Miss Naughty t-shirt
Available in men's, women's, kids' sizes and hoodies.

Not everyone in this world is nice from the start but that doesn't mean they can't be fixed. Little Miss Naughty is a classic example of this. She runs amuck all over town playing practical jokes on people until she crosses the line. After unwrapping Mr. Bump everyone gets fed up and meets Mr. Impossible for help. It is decided that he will make himself invisible, watch Naughty, and give negative reinforcement when she plays a trick. Soon, she is over her evil ways and gets herself on a new path. Snag this Little Miss Naughty t-shirt if you have a little wild streak deep inside you.
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In addition to the Little Miss Naughty tee above, browse the Little Miss Clothing Gallery for more apparel like men's and women's clothes, kids shirts or hoodies.