I Triple Dog Dare You t-shirt

Celebrate the time-honored triple dog dare that Schwartz issues to Flick with regard to sticking his tongue to a frozen pole. This isn't the only classic moment. In the movie
A Christmas Story, Ralphie's father accidentally knocks a hubcap full of lug nuts from his son's hands, prompting Ralphie to utter the queen mother of dirty words, the "f-dash-dash-dash" word. Due to the movie's PG rating, we hear Ralphie say "Oh fudge" instead. Pair this triple dog dare tee with an Oh Fudge Christmas Story t-shirt that displays the Ralphie quote from the movie.
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In addition to the I Triple Dog Dare You tee above, browse the Christmas Story Clothing Gallery for more apparel like men's and women's clothes, kids shirts or hoodies.